Cecy Furryah

Business Development Manager

Picture of Cecy Furryah

Cecy loves the web! She’s been working in the web industry professionally since 2009. She has worked for Electronic Arts and Dell, as well as Springbox, an interactive advertising agency.

Prior to her web experience, Cecy was immersed in film, specifically festivals and production. She has been involved with Texas Student Media, the Austin Film Festival, KLRU and The Weinstein Company.

In her spare time, she likes playing pub trivia quizzes, singing karaoke, playing the ukulele and reading with her pet bunnies.

Currently obsessed with…

Teaching classes for Girl Develop It and organizing Refresh Austin.

When I take off my Web Chef hat, I’m…

Spending time with my Chow Chow dog and three pet rabbits, or as I call it, managing my own personal zoo.

Contact me

Email: cecy@fourkitchens.com

Read my posts on Fourword, the Four Kitchens blog.

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